
Lose Screen,

In addition to working on scripts I finished the Lose Screen:

Win Screen

Win screen:

Start Screen for High Moon.

How the current Start Screen looks from the Game Mode panel in Unity. Plan to use same basic layout for all the UI screens except the actual game play UI which will just show current items, bullets, health, and gold collected.

Background Images for UI Start, Pause, and End Game Screens.

Transparent pngs for using in the UI Start, Pause, and End Game Screens Plan on having start screen with instructions, Pause Screen with option to go to instructions, from the Pause and MidGame Instruction screen you can resume play, then an End Game screen with You Won and You Lost options then the option to quit or restart the game.

Bullets and ZomCapsule

So, I'm using a "zombie" capsule to represent the zombie villagers that will be trying to run away with our gold and make a bullet projectile (actual size will be half this, it's larger to make it easier to track for now) but the bullets are actually acting and flying off like they were on the moon. Here's some of this flying off SLOWLY into space.

Video of Final Game Project from Prototyping Tutorial.
